1. Data Collection
PharmaScan BeLux data collection is at the level of medicines units (defined by a specific form, dosage, and packaging) delivered by pharmaceutical companies and distributors to healthcare institutions
2. Data Processing
Checks & cleaning, privacy, confidentiality and data aggregation
PharmaScan Data are enriched with publicly available data (SAM)
3. Data Sharing
Reports and analyses to meet the specific needs of the participants and stakeholders
Confidentiality and Aggregation
Data on medicines prescription or non-publicly available prices are not collected by PharmaScan BeLux.
To secure confidentiality & privacy at single hospital level, PharmaScan BeLux, before data release, systematically aggregates data by grouping together a sufficient number of healthcare institutions
PharmaScan BeLux envision to contribute to the ecosystem by providing valuable data insights and support for informed decision-making by stakeholders involved in medicines delivery.